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God has been teaching me something lately and it’s this. How to be content in any situation. 

In times of stress. Will I choose to show grace or will I lash out in anger?

In times of nearing lack, will I trust in the One who sees my days before they happen or will I react in a manner of fear?

And when I’m hurt, will I hurt others back or will I embrace them the same way that He (my Savior) embraces me.

Many Of Us Are Hurt

Many of us have been hurt. But how can we go from reacting in a manner that hurts others to reacting in a way that is life-giving while still making known our pain?

Really, it’s quite simple. Once we realize how Jesus treated us even after we hurt him, we can then seek that change in our own hearts. If we are willing to stop, take a breath, and place ourselves NOT in the other person’s shoes but in Jesus’ we can then see how much He loves them and realize that we may not know where they are coming from. 

They might be going through something externally that caused them to lash out. Or they themselves could be overwhelmed or in pain.

But does this mean that our feelings are irrelevant? Not at all!

Christ cares about us and our hurt as well. And we should too. Once we understand both God’s love for them and His caring about our hurts too, the bridge to healing can begin.

By gracefully opening up the door of communication to love on the other person in spite of what they are going through internally or externally and to voice our hurt in a gentle non-threatening manner.

This may take years, this may only take days. But what matters is you put in the time and effort to know God more and love your neighbor as yourself. (Mark 12:30-31)

Another area we must learn contentment in is lack.

The majority of us living will eventually face “lack”. Lack of food, lack of money, lack of resources, if it hasn’t happened to you yet just wait, it will.

I notice that we as humans tend to have one of two responses when this happens. We either respond in fear and begin the desperate act of hoarding or selling everything we have (morally and materially) to get more. Or we react from a place of trust. Knowing that The God who created the Universe and who holds our very soul knows each day before it happens and knows our needs.

The first reaction will lead only to hurt and heartache. But the latter will bring freedom and a sense of peace even if we have nothing to show for it materially speaking. Believe me, I know, because I’ve been there.

Each of these can lead to stress.

Either of the above circumstances can lead to stress either underlying or blatant when we choose to doubt God and take things into our own hands. 

And that’s the hard truth I want you to remember. If we are fearing whichever lack of resources that may be in front of us, that means we are not trusting that God can and will provide our needs. We cannot Trust and Doubt at the same time. (James 1:5-8) (more on this in a later blog post)

And if we are reacting from hurt in an argument we are being blind to God’s love for others and usually doubting His care over us and in particular over our hurt.

It all comes down to this.

The more that we know who our God is, the more we can lean on Him in any given circumstance. And here’s the cool thing, the more we lean on Him, the more we look, act, and think like His Son, our Lord, Jesus.

Isn’t that cool!

So what are you going to do today to put on more of Christ and trust in His love for you and for others?

Tom Wilcox

Tom has been a follower of Christ since 2012 and has developed a hunger to learn more and teach others about Jesus, Christianity, and The Bible. With that, he has finished his Bachelor's Degree in Ministry and Church Business Administration, one Masters of Ministry specializing in Biblical Counseling, and another specialising in Religious Education. Tom lives in the Philippines and is married to Pia; they are blessed with two wonderful kids Naomi & Hezekiah

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