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Ever tried to talk with a zombie? Odds are you have and didn’t know it. A zombie has no idea what you are saying, no capability of understanding what you say doesn’t care what you are saying, yet they speak the same language and may even pretend they are interested, because, well, they’re zombies!

Reaching People with The Gospel

Church leaders face this problem every Sunday. When leaders are behind that pulpit or up on a stage, all eyes are on them, but how many of those observers are just zombies? They may have been dragged there by family and friends, or they may be attending just to impress their girlfriend, but in every case, they will not understand God’s Message. Notice I didn’t say they might not, they simply won’t, not without God changing their heart.

So if most of these visitors are coming against their will (I didn’t say all), how many visitors to your website or blog are people that never even show up on a Sunday? I wish I had stats to give you, but it is obviously a much bigger number than people sitting in the pews. Soooo, as a church leader, how are you reaching that audience? Are you just posting your service times and listing the ministries the church is involved in on your website? Unfortunately, a simple profession of faith and a few select sermon videos, no matter how subliminally cool they may be, have little value to this group.

Your audience, no matter what church you are leading, are no longer just those people in the pews that show up every week. The church was not meant to be enclosed behind four walls and a bunch of pot luck casseroles. The church is a community of believers at every stage of understanding, helping one another in every aspect of life. That community has migrated most of its communication online.

Changing How You Engage an Audience

If you want some good ideas on how to reach young adults, Carey Nieuwhof has some ideas on his podcast episode.

People are looking for you to be real with them online. People are attracted to truth. It’s part of the reason why companies don’t know what to do with social media. It’s because companies no longer control the message. Individuals have the power now to control the message. They no longer believe what companies or politicians tell them. So the truth is something novel, even interesting. But they won’t hear truth unless we go to them unless we participate in the conversation unless we go beyond the pulpit.

So are you looking to reach more zombies with the Gospel?

So, have you talked with a zombie today?

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