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I will be the first to admit that I get angry. Does that make me any less of a follower of Christ? No!

There is a common misconception in the world that Christians are not allowed to express Fear, Anger, Frustration, or any negative emotion.

Well, that’s a myth and I’m here to tell you that not only can we feel it, but the Bible is riddled with psalms and stories of His people expressing their frustrations to Him!

It’s What We Do With The Emotion That Matters

What makes a Christian different than a non-believer at this point is that we realize most of the offenses that are done to us (although they irritate or prick us at the moment) are actually quite minor and the relationship to them should matter more. Matthew 5:38-48.

So what’s the difference?

Whereas someone in the world may go to one of two extremes. On one side, venting their emotion full force at the person or cause of their agitation. Or becoming completely passive on the outside but bitter on the inside on the other.

A Christian is called to act different, to feel through the emotion, to realize that the one who offended them is a child made in the image of God and extremely valuable to Him, that they to are human and have faults just like you or me, and to invite God into the situation.

Pausing Helps Us to Think Both Rationally and Relationally

When we take the time to stop and step back we can realize the emotion that we are feeling, calmly voice it out loud, and bring it to God. Doing this not only honors God but brings us a sense of peace and changes how we see the situation and the other person involved.

So next time you are upset, take a minute to say this prayer with me. Father God, I know I’m upset. X person has made me mad and this situation is really bothering me. But I want to honor You in this and so I am asking You to change my heart about the situation, to submit wherever You want me to submit, and to be bold where I should press on.

Lord may I see this person the way You made them. Help me to love them and honor You in this relationship.

I invite You into this situation, may Your Holy Spirit help us to reach the best solution and bring peace into the relationship as well. King Jesus, in Your name we pray, amen and amen.

Tom Wilcox

Tom has been a follower of Christ since 2012 and has developed a hunger to learn more and teach others about Jesus, Christianity, and The Bible. With that, he has finished his Bachelor's Degree in Ministry and Church Business Administration, one Masters of Ministry specializing in Biblical Counseling, and another specialising in Religious Education. Tom lives in the Philippines and is married to Pia; they are blessed with two wonderful kids Naomi & Hezekiah

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